I will tell that how Joomla and Drupal are three competing open source content
management tools that are similarly organized. Each one have a basic usage
model of submitting entries, managing users, setting themes, and organizing
entries into categories, menus, etc.

we compare the other CMS with Joomla then we can see that Drupal and Joomla!
seems to directly complete with one another, while Moodle is more specifically
focused on education and technical requirements. That appears to mean that it uses the term
“courses” instead of categories, but more essentially, it has modules that deal
with scheduling, registration, and quizzes for online courses.
is a user and access management system.
Joomla was derived from Mambo, which was an earlier system. The download
is free, and is about 5MB in size. This
is for the basic version, as there are additional tools and plugins. There is an extension to manage a wiki, as
there doesn’t seem to be basic support for wiki’s built in.
Joomla can be used as a blog quite well out of the box. In fact, blog is one of the three basic types
of content (blog, link, and table).
There are a variety of themes (called “templates”) available for Joomla
web design!
initial page shows a top menu, a main menu on the left, areas for news, latest
news, and popular news. There is a very
useful facility to increase or decrease all font sizes with one click. These regions are called “modules”, and the
module manager allows the administrator to place modules into the different
content areas (e.g., “left”, “right”, “footer”, etc. of the layout).
Joomla! Features
• Completely database-driven site
• News, products or services sections
fully editable and manageable
• Topics sections can be added to by
contributing authors
• Fully customizable layouts
including left, center and right menu boxes
• Browser upload of images to your
own library for use anywhere in the site
• Primary objects include postings,
stories, polls, surveys, FAQ’s, forums, etc.
• Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, MacOSX
server, Solaris and AIX
• News feed manager. Choose from over
360 news feeds from around the world
• Change display order of page
objects including news, FAQs, articles etc.
• Random Newsflash generator
• Remote author submission module for
News, Articles, FAQs and Links
• Object hierarchy - as many
sections, departments, divisions and pages as you want
• Image library - store all your
PNGs, PDFs, DOCs, XLSs, GIFs and JPEGs online for easy use
• Automatic Path-Finder. Place a
picture and let Joomla! fix the link
• Archive manager. Put your old
articles into cold storage rather than throw them out
• Email-a-friend and Print-format for
every story and article
• In-line Text editor similar to
• Custom Page Modules. Download
custom page modules to spice up your site
• Template Manager. Download
templates and implement them in seconds (these are called ‘Themes’ in the other
• There is also user editable look
and feel.
• Banner manager. Make money out of
your site
one model supports uploaded files (images, .ppt, .doc, etc.) as well as basic
HTML content. Each one has a developer
support community that has added more plug-ins. They will be always in touch of
your queue. There is always a great deal of activity underway and communicating
with other developers in the community is essential. Each is designed to help
build a virtual or on-line community, such as one for an organization, a
school, a church, a museum, etc.
providing information and road maps to all the resources available for
developers interesting in extending the Joomla CMS, writing applications for
the Joomla
developmentPlatform or helping to improve the Joomla codebase.
you want to hire
Joomla developer OR hire
Joomla programmers read this article carefully.
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