can be assigning to a category when that is creating or may later be
added in the categories. If you do it then basically selecting the
desired category and navigate to the Category Products tab (top of
the category page).

creating a new category of products with the grid will always be
empty. Before you get start to finding for existing products, you
will have to associate with this new category. Select No so that the
products displayed are not associated to this category or select any,
and all associated which products are displayed in the dropdown menu
and click the Search button.
are all done by Magento
Developer or magento
platforms you can optimize your search by filtering on ID, NAME, SKU,
Price, or positioning. (These filters work only if the products are
associated with the category)
the checkboxes for all the products which one you want to connect
with this category, deselect all checkboxes of products that you no
longer want to associate with this category. When a product is
selected, the Position field is active, here you can specify the sort
about which order the products should appear in the Front End.
your assigning categories process has been completed after that you
have need to assign design on your selective categories level. Below
is being given a way how we assign designing process on behalf of
categories level.
assign process of designs on category level
can design each category in the Custom Design tab. This determination
gives look of the category page, including objects on the page and
the structure of the page.
Select the design from the Custom Design drop. Magento
comes with several different designs, but you can add your own
design. If you drop this blank, you will automatically be used the
Current package name. This can be edited by navigating to System>
Configuration and click the Design tab. Enter the name of the design
you want in the current package field, and this model will apply to
all categories for which you do not have the design set.
Select your preference from the Apply To dropdown. This category only
means only that the design will only apply to this category page.
This category and the products it means that the design will apply to
that category page and on the pages of all products belonging to this
category are associated.
a product is associated with multiple categories, each with a
different design, the design of the product displayed page, where the
user was today. This category and its sub-categories means that the
design will apply to this category page and on the pages of all
subcategories etc..
With the active from and Active to fields, you can specify a
timeframe in which the category will automatically switch to a
design, and then back to a blank option when the term ends. This is
ideal for the holidays, so during your holiday a holiday design for
your pages can be displayed and that your site automatically switches
back to the normal design whenever you want, without forgetting to
The Page Layout drop-down determines the structural aspects of the
page. No layout updates uses the default settings in the Magento
The Customs Layout Update is essentially a static block, with a few
of HTML, the structure in XML format to be introduced.
update appears at the bottom of the page, within the product, which
has a static block appears above the products (and the static block
is set to display the products)
update will be displayed on the page only during the dates specified
in the active period.
Tags: magento development
India, magento developer India, magento development India, magento
Development Company
Searches: magento
development, magento
developer, magento
Development Company
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